The prompt was "the road not taken"
The road not taken
Looking back, I never had control.
The choice was his, not mine.
I never had a choice. This was not
A turning point. This was not
A place where two roads meet.
If I had not.... If I had not... for
Twenty years I wrote that night
Again. Made different choices.
If I had stayed at home... If I had
Left the building sooner... If
I had joined the laughing group
Of students just ahead.... If I had said
The cooler thing, the kinder thing,
The firmer thing, the ruder thing, if I had said...
If I had said.... If I was kinder, crueler,
Meaner, better. If I was stronger,
Tougher, softer. If I had not been there.
If I had known what to do. If I could
Change his mind. If I had been a better
Woman... If I had...
This was not
My choice to make, he told me so. I had
No choices. This was not my road untaken.
It was his. He could have chosen not to.
He could have found a different route.
He could have found a different route.
He could have chosen not to be there,
to stay at home that night. He could have
Said the kinder thing, the wiser thing.
He could have been a better person.
He could have walked away. He could have
Been stronger, softer, firmer. He could have
Been a different man. Two roads diverged
One dark night. This was the one he chose.
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